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  • Writer's pictureBee Brown

Co-planting in Two Easy-to-Read Graphics

Updated: May 15, 2020

Not all plants get along with other plants. There's a science, called Permaculture also referred to as companion planting; some plants simply should not be planted alongside other plants.

Think for example of some classic culinary pairings! Tomatoes and basil, strawberries and rhubarb, dill and cucumbers. Many of the foods we eat grouped today are foods that have biologically grown compatibly with each other, adding to flavor, size, and protecting from pests. It is likely that our gathering ancestors ate the foods that grew near each other!

Did you know that planting nutritious, beautiful Borage near your tomatoes attracts and deters hook worms from going to town on your juicy Romas?

Or that planting French Marigolds as a border around your garden deters slugs (by attracting them to your sacrificial marigolds) from eating sensitive lettuce, or cabbages. Maybe you weren't aware the French Marigolds also assist by killing nematodes that can cause problems for crops, and also attract beneficial predators like lady bugs (who eat aphids), as well as bees and endangered butterflies, our precious pollinator friends!

Did you know carrots shouldn't be planted near cabbage? Yet, it's ok to plant carrots with lettuce? Or that lettuce shouldn't be planted near parsley?

These two graphics easily explain what, and what not to plant, with what, giving you greater yield with minimal intervention. Permaculture style gardening is an amazing way to create a small ecosystem in your garden, ridding you of the need to weed compulsively or wonder why on earth those darn cucumbers aren't thriving!? Starting your companion garden is a lot like playing Tetris, and is so very fun!

Tip: Click on the chart for a larger version of each chart on respective sites. Have questions? Need a masked assistant to help you with your first permaculture garden?

Email me, Bee Brown at

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