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Most of us have at least one room that isn't brim full of sunshine. Be it a bedroom with one window, a bathroom with filtered light or a living room with no direct or indirect sunlight, we have a table or floor plant to suit you and your room's need. 


There are very few houseplants that want to sit in direct sunlight for an extended time. Many are happy with bright, indirect light or lower light situations. Here are a few we have in stock: (Note* Our inventory is constantly changing to allow our customers a diversity of plant choices. If you have a question about a plant not listed, email us at


We carry a nice collection of cat palms which do fine in moderate to bright indirect light. 


Note: Some plants may land on both lists.

Low/Moderate Light Plants​


  • English and Algerian Ivy: Allow to dry out between waterings

  • ZZ Plant: Survives in lower light. Preferes drier environment

  • Snake Plant (Sanseveria). Does well in lower light and does not require frequent waterings.

  • Pothos: Known for its tolerance of lower light conditions. 

  • Dieffenbachia: Prefers a medium to low light area. Dry out between waterings.

  • Philodendron: Prefers lower light and likes to dry out between waterings.

  • Monstera: This plant will thrive in a variety of light situations

  • Arrowhead plant: Prefers low to medium light.

  • Birds nest fern: Lower light to partial shade. Loves humidity.

  •  Calathea (Prayer plant): Prefers low light. Keep consistently moist through bottom watering. Use filtered water.

  • Anthurium: Prefers lower light. Keep consistently moist.

  • Rex Begonia: Lower light. Dry between waterings

  • Aglaonema, or Chinese evergreen, is an easy-to-grow foliage plant that performs well in low to medium light. Let it dry between waterings.

  • Spider plants are adaptable and easy to brow. They grow in a variety of light conditions. Let dry out between waterings

  • Asparagus fern: Adaptable, bright to low light. Keep moist and mist. 

  • Succulents: Low light to higher light (can burn in direct sun). Do not overwater.

  • Blue Star Fern

Brighter Light Plants​


  • Snake Plant (Sanseveria). Does well in higher light. Does not require frequent waterings.

  • Jade Plant: Full sun, water regularly

  • Aloe Vera: Bright light, low maintenance

  • Croton: Medium to bright light. Do not overwater

  • Coffee Plant: Bright light. No direct sunlight. Keep consistently moist. 

  • Majesty Palm: Sunlight. Water 1-2 times a week

  • Hoya family: Close to a window. Avoid South. 

  • Dracaena marginata: Lower to bright light. Water when soil dries

  • Dracaena.  Moderate to bright light. Water when top 75% of soil is dry.

  • Aglaonema): Lower to bright light. Water when top 50% of soil is dry.

  • Alocasia: Bright indirect light. Prefers soil on the drier side.

  • Asparagus fern: Adaptable, bright to low light. Keep moist and mist. 

  • Succulents: Low light to high er light (can burn in direct sun). Do not overwater​


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